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  • Address: KG 42 St, Kigali
  • Email Address: info@ajprodhojijukirwa.org.rw

Our Work

Our Work


The new Strategic plan ushers in new programmatic interventions and approaches. While implementing the 2017-2022 strategy, AJPRODHO celebrates the achievement of a number of milestones under each of its thematic interventions. For example, under the Human rights and access to justice program, the Human Rights Center graduated 180 youth after completing a 3 months intensive human rights training program. Today, the graduates have created 5 operational human rights clubs. Under the Democracy and Governance program, delivery of public services was improved in Gatsibo District as a result of institutionalization of the community score approach into the district planning and implementation cycle. Under the Economic empowerment program, over 30,000 youth gained decent employment and improved their livelihoods through vocational training, mobilization of own savings through the VSL model and linkages to financial institutions for financing youth led income generating activities. Besides, the Association’s institutional capacity was strengthened. In moving forward, AJPRODHO’s interventions under the new Strategic plan (2023-2027) shall be pursued under six thematic areas namely; Human rights and access to justice, Participatory governance, youth economic empowerment, climate change and environmental mitigation, policy research and advocacy as well as Institutional capacity building and mainstreaming of cross cutting issues.

Rationale and objectives
of thematic areas

Youth Economic Empowerment

RGB project under the youth Economic Empowerment , in Improving live hoods for the Youth, Ajprodho jijukirwa’s Overall objective of this project