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  • Address: KG 42 St, Kigali
  • Email Address: info@ajprodhojijukirwa.org.rw

Youth -Led- Advocacy

AJPRODHO JIJUKIRWA, a youth organization has in place an advocacy strategy- we are convinced that citizen to influence decision making is not automation. It requires hard and regular advocacy effort to those who are holding the possibility in hands and those who are ignorant about their duties. It requires as well not only AJPRODHO to be strong especially by working in coalition to influence the decision making on citizen’s power control and participation, battels of empowering citizens for self-organization which require first the empowerment and end in standing for social accountability enforcement.

Our current strategy acklest he problem flow participation of the citizen in local planning and budgeting processes, GBV and family related issues.Weholddistrictroundtablesoncitizensimmergingissues-DistrictLevelMeeting-DLMandSector Level Meetings- SLM. These meetings are chaired based on raised community issues throughCommunityScoreCardswhereallstakeholdersareinvited-dutybearersandrightholdersincluded. In addition, we write and share position papers and policy briefs around issues that need to be advocated for. 


  • Client Nick Morison
  • Services Immigration
  • Categories Visa
  • Year 2020