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  • Address: KG 42 St, Kigali
  • Email Address: info@ajprodhojijukirwa.org.rw

Climate and environmental mitigation

Rwanda, like many other countries is experiencing the adverse effects of climate change, despite having a relatively low historical contributions to global gas emissions. The adverse effects of climate change are taking its toll, as evidenced by devastating floods, prolonged draughts with adverse effects on food production, damaging infrastructure, exacerbating health hazards, only to mention but a few. Climate change threatens the basic human rights of Rwandans, in particular youth and children such as the right to food, water, and a safe environment.

AJPRODHO recognizes that there is an interconnection between youth and children’s rights as well as climate justice. Youth and children are both stakeholders and advocates in the fight against climate change.

Goal: To contribute towards the reduction of adverse impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on youth and children through actions aimed at mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

Specific Objectives:

  • Apply restorative measures to diminish the increase of greenhouse gas emissions and deterioration of biodiversity.
  • To mobilize youth and children to become active stakeholders in the prevention, mitigation and adaptation of climate change in their own communities as well as at national level;
  • To advocate for policy, legal and institutional reforms aimed at effective prevention, mitigation and adaptation towards climate change.